



. Notes




Photoblog day again.

Two days ago and today, S and I traveled the bluffs, climbed trees, and got sand in the worst place, our shoes.

On the first day we saw this, and came to the conclusion that it had been built either by a homeless person or by a bunch of kids on E; we suspected the involvement of drugs because there was a metric crapton of water bottles lying nearby. Upon closer inspection we found a sign. Oddly, the landlord left no contact number. Here's the shanty from the other side.

I got pretty far up a magnolia tree, but ran out of viable branches, so I stopped climbing.

We saw this from the railroad tracks on day one (bonus points if you can spot S's shoe in that picture), but I didn't take the picture of it until today. I also didn't take a picture of the scene it's talking about until today. That was taken right above where all the ribbon is tied, facing the other direction.

The plan is to get a for realsies digital camera, so I don't have to keep exhausting the batteries of my phone every time we trek anywhere remotely interesting.

8:52 p.m. - 2008-02-07

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