



. Notes




Water waiter welder.

The night of my previous entry, I was awake until 4:30AM having what was probably a PMS induced panic attack. I snapped at B and paced around the room worrying about everything and nothing. I crazy-person-rocked myself out of it, eventually, and watched B sleep for the longest time.

I wanted to go to the beach, at 4 in the morning. B talked me out of that, but the "I need to get out of the house to do something other than work or I'll shit nails" feeling lingered.

The next night, LN called me to see if I wanted to go see a show at the local dirty vegan restaurant slash bar. We saw one of our former customers from the coffee shop who told us he found somewhere closer to his house. We talked about people she knows from back home. I drank this weird energy drink beer thing called Sparks. About halfway through I decided I hated it and didn't want any more. Merciful LN drank the rest for me. We talked about B's man-crush on Joey Greco.

On stage at this point was this girl who I thought was really annoying. I described her to B later as a Lilith Fair type. Girl, guitar, deeply emotional--but was she good? I didn't think so. LN knew her from her hometown, so I didn't say anything. Okay. Truth is, as a rule, I'm not a fan of female solo artists. There are a few good or great ones and I'm not impressed with the rest.

Following her was this great group whose name I can't for the life of me remember. They had this mostly-instrumental-experimental sound. I pointed out that one of their songs sounded like a Tom Waits song--minus Tom Waits, of course. It was neat.

After that we saw The Cripple Lilies. Their keyboardist/flautist/singer girl was maybe the hottest girl I've ever seen in real life. Oh, and their music was extremely tolerable. I thought about buying a CD, but I had approximately negative two dollars on me.

All in all, it was a good night. We stopped at Whataburger on the way back and LN's fajita spilled all over the bag.

When I got home, I watched the end of Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang with B and we passed out.

Okay. Here's the minor thing that's bothering me a little lately about B's and my relationship. He's been making playful insinuations about there being another man. Often. I confronted him about how that makes me feel last night. I told him even though it's in jest, when said enough, it becomes hurtful. Why would an innocent person want to tolerate wrongful accusations?

I didn't tell B this, but M used to accuse me of cheating on him all the time. I never did, and he was never joking. So this is why it bothers me. I didn't tell B the real reason because I think the last thing in the world he wants to hear is me ever compare him to my ex.

Yesterday, we went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Talk about rushing through things. I think the movie could've stood to be an hour longer and no one would've gotten bored. People who haven't read the books have no idea who the fuck some of the new characters are. I'm firm in my belief that you can't rely on the assumption that someone has prior knowledge when telling them a story. Fill out all your characters and settings. Make them make sense to the neophyte.

Now, if you already knew what was going on, what a heck of a movie that was! Excitement at every turn!

I should probably step away from the internet before my boss gets here.

PS: I totally got a $10 pair of gray trousers from Old Navy yesterday. Yay for the clearance aisle! They need to be washed. They're falling off my ass.

7:14 a.m. - 2007-07-12

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