



. Notes





The overstressed feeling of the previous entry followed me all the way into the rest of yesterday as well.

It started like this. I walk into work, write down my schedule and clock in. As I'm putting my schedule in my purse, I notice there is a note in the book we keep on the counter. We are now required to wear name tags. I mutter some expletives under my breath, pick mine up and say to my boss, "Why do we have to wear these?" She shoots back, "Nobody else has a problem with it so put it on." I do and I don't speak to her for the next hour.

She finally breaks the ice by asking me what the hell my problem is and tells me not to wear my emotions "right here" while pointing at her forehead.

She's being defensively bitchy, like anyone would when in the presence of someone who is in such an obviously bad mood as I am.

I don't like her attitude, so I break down in tears and tell her all the things that upset me, but only the least private--and truthfully least upsetting--things.

I end by telling her I'm looking for another job so she might want to find someone to replace me.

She finally goes away when my coworker gets there, and my mood gets drastically better.

I really just don't like her that much. She's an authority figure, disciplinarian, older and comparatively more experienced than I am, but her opinions and ideas seem, for the most part, inane to me, so when she gives me advice it tends to only infuriate me.

I also experienced completely irrational anger yesterday. The new girl pisses me off. She's a lot older than I am, too, and sometimes the things she says seem entirely incongruous with her personality. Also, she ticks me off by always asking if I'm okay. People did that to me all the time throughout high-school and college. It got really fucking irritating, so when people make a point of repeatedly asking, I want to tear their heads off.

Anyway. She has started recycling things at the coffee shop, but she takes the recycling items, shoves them in a trash bag, and leaves the trash bag in the nook beside the drink cooler. I came in several days ago before I knew about it, saw the trash bag, and assumed one of the kids there had neglected the trash. Eventually they tell me what it is and I say, "Hey, you need a bin for that. I don't think it's a good idea to leave trash bags full of shit lying on the floor."

Yesterday, new girl tells me to leave the recycling stuff on the floor there so she can get it later. I say, "You need a bin for that," and continue writing down my schedule. Then, later that night, I forget to tell my coworker (who takes out the garbage) to hold the recycling items on purpose because we still don't have a bin.

Passive aggressive? You bet.

I have to work with new girl tonight. She can deal with her binless recycling bullshit however she pleases.

In other news, B went to lunch with one of his professors yesterday and was convinced to continue school to get a PhD. U of Cincinnati and Florida State were recommended.

Now. I better get ready for work.

11:40 a.m. - 2007-10-03

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