



. Notes




She didn't see forever, sorry.

Yesterday morning, S acquired some LSD from a local maker, this guy she fucked a few times. She called me that afternoon and recalled the tale of the night previous in which the maker of the acid and his girlfriend-but-not-really were tripping balls and acting all kooky. Then she asked if I was free because she needed a trip-sitter. I agreed, mostly because none of the other people she knows have enough common sense to watch over someone who has just ingested, for the first time, a psychotropic drug as powerful as Ye Olde Almighty Acid.

I proceeded to spend the next 20 minutes or so researching and reading the Wikipedia article on lysergic acid diethylamide. This was while I was working at the coffee shop, by the way. Not long after, B showed up to visit with me and I dragged him outside for advice. He is the single most informed person I know. He suggested that S be made to eat her acid in the safety of somewhere indoors, since going to the beach like she wanted poses a number of environmental dangers.

So I called S later on and informed her she'd have to do it inside. She insisted she'd go fucking crazy on it if she had to be indoors. I ended up giving in because state of mind is important when using LSD, and she'd already psyched herself into thinking she'd have a bad trip if she did it indoors, and I didn't want to be responsible for that. Also, I figured if worse came to worst, I'm stronger and heavier than her, and I could just sit on her to keep her from doing anything too batshit crazy out in the great wilderness.

So I picked her up, she ate her acid (supposedly 2-3 hits which had been dropped on a Sweet Tart--more to come on that later), we drove to my house so I could get a jacket and beach-boots, and then we headed out. In the car, she said she felt a little silly. We stopped at Whataburger for some chow, then she got really fascinated with the air conditioning controls and giggled when I told her they were the result of tens of thousands of years of human invention. Then we stopped at a gas station to go pee and while she was waiting for me to finish, she said something weird was happening and begged to come into the bathroom. She couldn't explain the weirdness at all.

After that we dicked around on the beach. For three hours. Inhaling red tide spores. I coughed the whole time. S didn't trip, not even one little bit. She did, however, admit to feeling "a little weird."

Long story short, she was pissed.

She's going to get more LSD infused Sweet Tarts, one for free because of this one not working. I'm concerned the maker didn't know what he was doing and the one she got was a dud, but supposedly hers came from the same batch he was tripping on. So maybe something in the Sweet Tart interacted with it? I'm grasping straws here. Whatever happened, I agreed to be her trip-sitter for her next attempt. Maybe it will be more eventful. I'll try and remember to bring a pen and paper next time. And my iPod. Maybe something sparkly for her to play with.

12:59 p.m. - 2007-11-15

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