



. Notes




I could just eat Rachel Ray right up.

Discovered here, a Friday Five that I actually liked enough to do.

How are you stereotypically female?
I constantly think/make catty comments about other women who don't fit into my narrow-minded definition of beauty.

How are you stereotypically male?
I think dick and fart jokes are hilarious.

What parts of you do you consider unclassifiable as either gender?
My taste in music, movies and games.

Do you think you are primarily male, female, or neither in characteristics?
I'm definitely female, but it's not a very girly female.

If you could be born as any gender, knowing the gender prejudices as they are now, which would you choose to be?
I'd still be a woman. We can claim Rachel Ray as one of us. Best sex ever.

I probably won't make a regular thing of doing Friday Fives, but this killed like five minutes, so yay.

8:45 a.m. - 2007-04-20

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