



. Notes





My birth control pills were hiding under a bag of floss-toothpick-combo apparatus, so I accidentally skipped taking them Tueday and almost forgot Wednesday, too. Fortunately I needed to floss, and they were uncovered.

I am terribly jealous of B's ability to fall asleep in any position. Pre-sleep, we snuggle up with our limbs entangled and mutter sweet or silly somethings until one of us conks out. It's always he who does the conking out. Even if I'm exhausted past the point of reckoning, I can only fall asleep in select positions, and there's only a certain amount of body contact that is tolerable to me while I'm attempting to venture into slumber.

I feel bad for waking him up to move but, by golly, you gotta sleep.

B's going to meet a friend in A Different Town tonight, so I'll be on my own when I get home from Telephone Hell. This is a prospect which is very meh to me.

In the Not-Very-Meh news, my last day at Telephone Hell is Saturday.

And in the Rather-Meh news, Sweet Bank Job Boss Lady has not returned my call. I'm not looking forward to the agressive job hunt that is to follow. I intend to give myself a day or two of doing jack shit before I go ballistic on the working world.

I did not sleep well last night and I am really feeling it. Maybe I have time for a little nap between jobs today. Yeah. That sounds good.

8:05 AM: Working in a customer service position, I see and deal with, on a daily basis, dozens of people I would despise if I knew them outside my work environment.

I just had a mini-breakdown here in the coffee shop because a girl walked out on me. I was not being rude, but I was not being the super fucking perky Starbucks type counter girl she's probably used to having wait on her. She walked out on me because I needed more specificity in her drink order. She told me she wanted a 24 ounce iced. Then she picked a flavor. I asked an iced what? She asked, are you in a bad mood? I answered no. Then I asked if she meant an iced latte, an iced coffee. We have literally dozens of fucking iced drinks here (I didn't say that part). She shook her head and walked out of the store. I went into the back and had myself a good old fashioned hissy fit, complete with tears and sniffles.

I am not good with people. I don't mean to say I am awkward, but I, for the most part, cannot make myself just "act natural" around them. When people say act natural, they generally mean be yourself. My acting natural is truly acting. Being myself is attempting as little interaction as possible with stupid fucking over-made-up cunts like her.

Okay. See. That's where my problem lies. I see a person. I see their mannerisms. I see the way they talk and interact with me and I immediately make a judgment. I rely very strongly on my first assessment, and I hate accordingly unless something is observed that changes my mind.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not a sociopath, I don't think.

Maybe I should look that definition up.

Maybe I'm talking out of my ass. I am kind of under slightly more stress than I'm accustomed to.

Addendum: After further research, I have concluded I am not a sociopath. I do, however, exhibit some antisocial behaviors such as lack of remorse (on occasion) or lack of empathy (often).

Also, after putting slightly more thought into it, I realize that S is probably definitely a sociopath.

7:03 a.m. - 2007-05-31

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