



. Notes




Dat Darn Kahlfin Stole Mah Spacechip!

Thank goodness for Showtime, Cinemax, and HBO's late night softcore porn extravaganza. Without it, B and I would be severely lacking in a source of giggles and "fake or real" debates during the wee hours.

Also, I'm a card carrying member of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee, so it's very gratifying to watch a porno with a leading lady whose boobs are tinier than mine.

Additional updates:
The plants are doing well. The vinca's blossomed out and started looking much perkier since being repotted and the hibiscus is blooming all over the place in all its orange glory.
I haven't heard from B's mom so I'm still having a panic attack.
My dad is 300 miles north of Vancouver, BC in the magical lumberjack land of CANADIA. He's visiting his baby momma parents for a month. This enabled me to make my Father's day phone call very short--nobody likes international roaming charges.
Y might come to visit us again in September. She was here in early May with her cute, foreign, receding-hairlined boyfriend who reminded me of Sunlight because of the whole "Spanish is my first language" accent thing he had going on.
Coffee shop hours/pay soon to improve. Hopefully.

And here comes a customer. Time to put on my shit-eating grin and toss salad for tips.

Never mind. This bitch never tips.

6:54 a.m. - 2007-06-21

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