



. Notes




Happenings of the olden-days of yore.

I figure I should make a real entry, despite how fun celebribashing is.

B's birthday was not so fun for him. His grandmother had some kind of unexplained anxiety attack that morning and wound up in the hospital because she was short of breath and lightheaded. The doctors said she was okay; they did a chest x-ray and some blood work, but they kept her overnight. The next morning she had another episode and was again told she was okay.

Of course, I've been watching a lot of Mystery Diagnosis on Discovery Health, so my first thought was, "these doctors are incompetent. I bet the internet could help!"

'Cause if you've ever watched Mystery Diagnosis, that's where everybody on that show actually learns anything.

Anyway, I had to work on B's birthday, so he came to the coffee shop to eat lunch and for a break from the excruciating monotony of being in the hospital. I fed him a chicken wrap and stole some of his chips, then he went back to the hospital.

When I got home that afternoon, I baked him his apple pie, which he loved, and then took a shower so we could go to dinner with his parents.

We ended up going to Bonefish, which is a seafood bar & grill place. One of B's friends who works there waited on us.

B ended up drinking two beers and getting lightheaded and loopy. We tried to remember the last time he drank to no avail. Suffice to say his alcohol tolerance isn't what it once was, and he went kinda nuts and sang merrily while I drove him home.

He finally decided to tell me what he wanted me to get him for his birthday, and then we got all X-rated-romantic, which was great.

On Sunday I sat around the house most of the day, then we went to dinner with many-a-folk from B's extended family. Two birthday dinners. Spoiled. Anyway as we were leaving the restaurant, B's mom was telling his uncle all about how much she loves me and that we (the family) are going to keep me around for a long time.

I made no move to argue.

M just sent me an instant message. Huh.

On Monday I went to fetch B's birthday presents. He asked me to get him some figurines for a miniatures game he plays, so I did, and then I went to work and stole some Christmas ribbon to wrap them with.

We had jambalaya and salad and bread with stuff on it for dinner, which was a feast in comparison to our usually scant meals, if we have meals.

Tuesday I worked, too, and I got the Camaro an oil change and the blinker issue fixed and a new air filter. The mechanic told me to get a transmission flush but I couldn't afford it this go 'round. He said it looked like it'd never been done because my transmission fluid is black (it is supposed to be pink), but it can wait another couple of weeks with no worry.

The other mechanic who spoke to me gave me the best sexist encounter I've had in days. He was telling me that the brake light on the driver's side is out, and I explained to him that I know it is because there's a crack in the plastic cover that allows water to leak in and it shorts out the lights when it rains. I told him I'd probably go to the Chevy dealership and get it taken care of, but he told me it would be cheaper if I got my dad or my boyfriend to go down to the junkyard and get it for me.

Oh. I can't do it myself? Girls not allowed in the junkyard?

M and I are arguing about whose animated voodoo creature could best the other in mortal combat: my unicorn hobby horse or his Wolverine action figure.

Also on Tuesday, I rounded up all the money in my big-assed-change-jar and the month-late birthday check from my grandmother and deposited all $204 into my bank account.

After that I went to Barnes & Noble and got a blank journal to write recipes in and I got B the Venture Brothers season 1 on DVD.

And then we went to dinner and had hibachi and I came home and went to sleep for four hours and now I can't sleep and that's why I'm here, whew.

Oh also I made a new layout.

2:02 a.m. - 2007-08-29

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