



. Notes




Why I have to protect my boyfriend from the supernatural.

If I haven't explained so already, B is a rather peculiar guy. This is why, in part, we get along so well. In spite of being peculiar, he is charismatic, successful, intelligent, and (as far as anyone can tell) well-adjusted to society. However, there are snippets of things he says that might lead even the casual observer to wonder if there isn't something altogether volatile lurking beneath that facade.

One of these things is his opinion on the supernatural world. B holds a belief in god that is not entirely in agreement with your average Christian-folk, but close enough that it doesn't matter.

On the other hand, what he doesn't believe in are ghosts, spectres, ghouls, haunts, and spooks.

The very existence of such beings destroys his perception of the world at its very core.

If B was ever presented with incontrovertible evidence that such things do exist, he would flip his lid.

I quote directly, "You would never see me again. I would go out in the woods and get as many guns as I could find and shoot anyone who came near me."

While you may think that this is mere exaggeration on his part, I'd like to remind you that you don't know this man the way I do. He doesn't tell lies, nor does he exaggerate. He knows every inch of himself because he chose to mold himself that way. B's being B is a conscious decision--something that is vastly different from the existences of most of the population.

Being an Agnostic, I am open-minded about the existence of many things. Like B, I will believe in ghosts when I am presented with the evidence. I, however, will not go batshit insane. Their existence doesn't destroy the very fabric of my perceptions.

I have to protect him from this possibility, or I have to be with him if ever it is proven. I feel as though I may have the power to calm him, or at least physically restrain him if the need ever arises.

Or, if he'll let me, stockpile guns and live in the woods with him.

3:19 a.m. - 2007-08-30

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