



. Notes




Barf bleragh.

I get to wake up before 6 am for the next four days. My boss has decided she wants everyone who works here to be on a "regular" schedule. I think all this means is that the employees will, most weeks, have their off days set to a certain day. She insists that mine are to be Sunday and Monday. She's managed, yet again, to Royally Piss Off LN because they agreed LN could only work Monday and Wednesday, due to school and other-job restrictions, but now bosslady has changed LN's work days to Monday and Tuesday--and LN is not happy about this because between her other job and school, Tuesday is LN's only day off.

B's professors at the college have again been pushing the idea of him continuing school at UF and acquiring a PhD. This consists of them pretty much verbally jacking him off and telling him, out of all the grad students they have, he's the one with the most aptitude for teaching and he really, by golly, oughta do it. B has his own plans for after graduation. He's going to pursue the exciting life of working for the FBI.

I should, by the end of next week, get a call from the call center and be begged to come back to work. If not, I'll have to actually make an effort in finding a new job, which will suck. The good thing about working for the call center is I'll have a set schedule (not like what my boss here is attempting) so I can take a couple morning classes when spring semester starts at ye olde junior college.

Last night I helped B desensitize his armpits to being tickled.

I can't think of other things to write.

Edit: Dear Stupid College Girls Who Can't Be Bothered to Change Out of Your Pajamas in the Morning,
There exist thrift stores where you can buy some affordable pants. If that's too low-class for you, Wal-Mart sells clothes too, but for the love of decency, your polka-dot PJ bottoms, tank top, and slippers ARE NOT APPROPRIATE SCHOOL ATTIRE. If you wear it into my place of employ, I have half a mind to deny you service on the basis that you're STUPID. If I can manage to not come into work in my underpants by throwing on jeans and a decent-looking shirt before I leave the house, you most certainly can go that extra mile and take off your jammies and replace them with something that doesn't make every person with half a brain wonder if you have a hat they can throw some coins in so you can get your life back on track, or if the jammies are the only garments you own! GOD!!!

6:50 a.m. - 2007-09-19

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