



. Notes




Why I'm here right now.

B won't let me sit in his bedroom while he makes poop in his bathroom.

"I need my privacy," he says.

In other news, I found out the other day that I am on some kind of Never Eligible for Rehire Shitlist at the call center. I was probably too abrasive on my exit interview. It's either that or they recorded the call I did on my last day where I answered the phone with, "Thank you for calling Cingular Wireless, now the new AT&T. My name is _____ and I'll be your disgruntled call center employee for the day." The caller didn't even notice. I was so disappointed I spent the rest of my day actually doing my job the way I was supposed to.

So I am exploring other employment opportunities.

This means the really sweet schedule I had that placed school in the first part of the day and work in the latter is now hopelessly lost. The other places I would consider working actually have schedules that cater to people who do things in the afternoons.

I'm kind of wanting to cry a lot of the time, actually.

I watched the end of Pet Sematary tonight.

This morning I made a list of Disney animated films I want to re-watch.

Get paid tomorrow.

Bought groceries today.

There's always some part of my life I hate. In the past I've been unfortunate enough to not have something in it that I loved.

That part I love is really beneficial to my sanity right now.

I swear, sometimes I have no ability whatsoever to describe how I feel.

11:07 p.m. - 2007-09-27

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