



. Notes





I am so totally shitting myself right now. After the rent check clears and my car insurance automatic payment goes through, I will have $63 in my checking account, $101 in my savings account, and approximately $0.32 in my wallet.

The online application process for a US postal service job is kind of weird. I selected mail processing --> clerical work because since the call center that is my main area of experience, and I was only asked to give very basic info--name, address, social security number, e-mail--and it said I would receive an exam package of some sort within 2 weeks so I can get started on my real application process.

I'm saving all my tips from the coffee shop so I can buy groceries.

Why oh why did I ever think I could survive this way? D'oh.

In other news, I let B see my blog for the first time today. I don't know if he'll look it up in his spare time or what. I don't think I have anything in here I don't want him to see.

8:53 p.m. - 2007-10-01

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