



. Notes




Moar pewp pleaz.

I have a lot to say and very little time to say it; my boss is on her smoke break.

So the past couple of days have been interesting and eventful. S is back in town for a bit. We've been hanging out. I have plenty to say on that subject, but not right now.

The McGuire's Halloween party was a rollicking good time. I went as a witch, and my costume was ridiculous and elaborate and a huge pain in the ass.

The thing that has had the most impact on me by far is the fact that B told me last night that he was thinking of converting back to Christianity. He wouldn't really elaborate on why, but he did say he'd been having some experiences lately that have made him think about it. He's not sure, and speculated that maybe he just wants to attach a label to his morality, and the Christians have developed a good system.

Why does this impact me?

My understanding of Christianity is this: whether they voice this opinion or not, or try to convert non-Christians or not, Christians believe non-Christians run the risk of spending their soul's eternity in Hell. I can't see B taking on such an assumption, and I don't know where we would stand if he actually did. I am a non-Christian. I can honestly say, unless something dramatically impacts my life and causes me to experience that thing necessary to have religion, faith, then I will never, ever convert to Christianity, or any religion for that matter. So it's kind of a big deal for the man that I love to convert to a religion that tends to assume so much about those who aren't its members.

And maybe I have the wrong idea. I don't call myself a religious scholar. The Bible is not my textbook, and I only know what I know from my Christian upbringing and experience with conversion attempts throughout high school and college. Perhaps that experience is causing me to make sweeping generalizations, and perhaps I'm overthinking this. I don't think faith is a bad thing, but I do think religion can be. I've seen it act as both poison and cure.

I guess it all boils down to wait and see. B needs more time to think.

PS. Don't get me wrong; I will support him in whatever he decides. I just can't help but worry that it might be to my detriment. I love this man. I can't stress that enough.

8:38 a.m. - 2007-11-01

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