



. Notes




Rambly rambly rambly.

To people who work places:

It's creepy when someone who hasn't shared a word with you apart from, "can I get a wildberry smoothie," asks, "so, when do you get off work," and then hovers around the counter for several minutes after you ended the exchange by uttering a time, stepping several feet away, and ceasing eye contact.

I think that maybe my problem is the fact that this guy, who is a temp at the college bookstore connected to the cafe I work in, lacks a measure of intelligence that the rest of his coworkers possess.

There are two moron-temps over there this book rush, actually. It's really weird when they show up. Two of the smart ones are people who have temped here during book rush before, the other smart guy is this hipster fellow who doesn't talk a whole lot, but by golly is he pretty...which automatically makes up for any perceived lack of personality. I should work on cultivating that look for myself so I can get away with being so quiet. I want people to think I'm pensive, not shy or a snob (all of which are the case).

I forgot where I was going with this.

Oh! The moron-temps and book rush.

Fuck that. I'm going to go off on another tangent.

There is a man who comes into the coffee shop who is mentally handicapped. My boss already has a knack for upsetting those types of people (which is another story entirely), but she has a particular dislike for this guy, because she thinks he's affecting a lot of his, um, 'tard-havior. He was in a motorcycle accident and had a very severe head injury. He literally has a large, scarred dent in the front portion of the top of his head. He usually (here comes another tangent) keeps a toupee or a hat on to hide it, but a couple times a week he'll come in with it exposed, and I swear on a stack of Bibles, there is some kind of green oddity thriving in the cranny. Anyway, yesterday he came in wearing a t-shirt from one of our local competitors (who, by the way, totally ripped off their logo from Starbucks--see?), and she did her psycho bitch thing where she later claims she was joking but at the time she seemed as serious and scary as a heart attack.

The poor guy just came in and bought one of our shirts. Talk about a guilt trip.

The other story: she made a teenage autistic kid cry once because he tried to lie down on our couches. His mom is a regular, and he used to come in with her all the time, but the kid hasn't been back since.

I really hope that when the owner decides he wants to get rid of those couches, he chooses me as their new mother. They are so good. So fluffy and good.

Book rush sucks for us, though, because even though there's a huge influx of students coming into the book store, our business stays just about as slow as ever.

I've been pretty distracted lately, and I've been playing a lot of World of Warcraft. I have a level 42 blood elf rogue, which is the highest level character I've ever had in the game.

Anyway, I was looking over my text files folder on my computer and I realized I haven't written anything I'm proud of for a really long time. For a while there, I was getting my kicks writing surreal poems about people I know, so I think I'll just do that again because it's so gosh darned entertaining.

I mean, I'll do that after I get my rogue to level 70.

That reminds me of something completely unrelated. B got smooshed on New Year's Eve by his friend who's about as big as three of him, and he tore cartilage in his ribs. They put him on 750mg Lortabs, then he sprained a muscle in the same place getting in and out of the Camaro and started having muscle spasms, so he went back to the doctor and they put him on Percocet (don't know the dosage). He's been practically useless since, and I haven't had sex since I got home from my mom's house. Arg.

9:03 a.m. - 2008-01-12

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