



. Notes




Tip Jar Rant

My boss will not leave us alone. She has herself scheduled to work every single morning next week, just like she did this week. It is good for whoever works with her because that person gets all the tips, but bad because she is a pain in the buttocks.

In other news, someone stole $tenbux$ out of our tip jar the other day and it has turned into a terrible whirlwind of drama. Apparently one of my coworkers, in an ill-advised attempt to replenish our store of one dollar bills in the register, switched some of them out for a ten and put it into the tip jar. The former tip jar was a goldfish bowl with a wide opening at the top and glass sides, so it was easy to see the contents of our goodie bin. It was very opportunist-friendly. Someone took the ten. Then coworker said something to my boss that sounded like an accusation, then she got mad, and apparently hasn't talked to boss lady since the ordeal, which was two days ago.

On the day it happened, our regular customer whom I shall refer to as Old Man Who Can't Write Worth a Damn and Wears Sandals with Socks, or OMWCWWDWSS, asked what all the fuss was about. So, naturally, not thinking he would flip out, I told him.

Later he tried to slip my boss a five under the table. She refused to talk to him.

After that, boss lady and I decided it was about time for our tip jar to have a lid and not be see-through, so we fashioned and decorated a new receptacle from an old hot chocolate mix container. Not only does it serve its purpose well, it also smells like cocoa. Mmmm.

Well, OMWCWWDWSS saw the new tip jar and disapproved highly. He says that if he came in and didn't know about it, he wouldn't want to leave a tip in that jar. It is "too small" and "too closed-up" and "not welcoming." What, 'cause you can't steal out of it without serious effort now? When I worked at the Java Station, our tip jar was a latte cup, less than half the size of what boss lady and I spent THOUGHT AND TIME AND EFFORT AND BLOOD AND PISS AND SWEAT, okay maybe not the last three, but you see my point.

Actually, my point is, even though the tip jar is different, our tips have not suffered because of it. People tip for good service or out of a sense of obligation, not because the jar is easy to just chuck a dollar into.

We already don't like OMWCWWDWSS anyway because he keeps making us read his atrocious literature. He does, however, tip well.

Even with the new jar.

7:05 a.m. - 2008-01-18

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