



. Notes




Human beings not myself.

When I moved in with M, I traveled approximately 400 miles. We shared the same bedroom in a 2 bed 1 bath apartment. The other bedroom was occupied by D, who, overall is an all right guy. An asshole, through and through, but an all right guy. I never felt as though I could call that apartment home, though, because M and I were sharing it with persons other than ourselves. There was that and also the fact that I was not on the lease, which, as it turns out, made leaving him that much easier in the end. Anyway, after a month or so of living there, one of M and D's friends started sleeping over on the couch in the living room. This was for his convenience in getting to school each day. The sleeping on the couch became more and more frequent, and then, one day, without giving any of us so much as a, "May I?" he brought a whole bunch of his stuff over and set up shop in the hall closet. He moved right on in without even asking. It was at that point the apartment actually began to feel even LESS like home, if possible. I didn't really like either of those guys, but the guy-on-the-couch left a particularly sour taste in my mouth.

Imagine my happiness at finally moving out.

Where I live now, I have made the room as much mine as possible. It is littered and decorated with things that are mine and no one else's. I could not say the same for the room conditions when I lived with M.

One of my friends came over here the other day and saw my room for the first time. She said that everything she liked about the room M and I lived in belonged to me. I find that very amusing. As an aside, M's attitude after our breakup resulted in him losing most of the friends I mention here.

Anyway, the new place is delightful and I share it with two others. I share my bathroom with no one, however. The other people involved with my living situation are B, who is quite possibly one of the funnier (and at the same time nerdier) men on the planet. I don't think it is in him to sugar-coat anything, and not often do I see a person so aware of and in touch with the truth. The other roommate, Y, is like a breath of fresh air from the rest of the world. Her attitude and idiosyncracies have not ceased to amuse, and her very logical approach to life gives me the sensation that she is capable of success in anything. Unfortunately, Y is going to be leaving in maybe less than a month for school, and so, B and I will be treated to a new house-personality. One that, I hope, is not destructive. We have yet to find anyone, and this is somewhat worrisome.

What a perfect segue into another life-happening of mine.

If we are unable to find another roommate right away, at least it isn't at a terribly inconvenient time for me money-wise. I have just obtained a job working for a call center corporation. I'll be something between salesperson and customer service representative. My first day of training is tomorrow at the asscrack of dawn. There, I will be making just shy of twice what I make at my current job and getting just shy of twice as many hours as I do at my current job.

So basically I'll be bringing home the goddamn bacon. Okay?

I intend to save up enough to buy my little brother a used car. He turned sixteen last month. I'll explain why I (and not a parental unit) am the one purchasing the car in an entry to follow.

For now, fare thee well.

3:31 p.m. - 2006-07-16

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