



. Notes




Pretentiously drinking Perrier sparkling mineral water.

Tonight my roommate B and I met the girl who may potentially replace Y in our living situation. She's 19 and strikes me as being a lot younger than that. We didn't do a great deal of conversing. Mostly she stood there with her friend, who brought her here, and watched me, B, and L (B's girlfriend) act as weird as we normally do. I think it's probably healthy for her to be exposed to that weirdness from the get-go. Otherwise she might find herself thinking, "Oh Christ, what have I gotten myself into?"

We'll call her E.

E seemed timid and girly and naive. I couldn't think of anything to say to her, fortunately L saved the evening by asking probing questions about E's plans for the future. I'm not usually one to suggest topics of conversation anyway. B was also rather quiet, but I think at this point he's not too picky about who moves in, as long as they pay the goddamned rent.

I hope that we didn't scare the poor girl.

In a previous entry, I recall saying that an explanation would come for my wanting to buy my just-turned-16-year-old younger brother a car. He and my mother live in a rural area, and the nearest places of business are a good 15-20 minute drive away. Without a car it's very difficult for my brother to save up enough money to buy his own. My mother cannot purchase him a vehicle because, frankly, she's poor. My father will not purchase him a vehicle because he generally chooses not to acknowledge that he has a son.

So the ball is in my court. I think it's the least I can do for the kid. He's fucking brilliant and he deserves to have good things come his way.

My birthday is tomorrow (the 26th). I'm going to be twenty-one. I'm going to get so drunk this weekend I won't know up from down. I would get drunk tomorrow night, but that won't do, since I have work first thing in the morning.

As an aside, the new job pleases me. The training classes are boring but everything we've been covering is easy to grasp, and I think I can do very well as a CSR. Bacon bacon bacon.

More asides:

I need to start exercising again. I've been lazy for more than a week now.

Dyed my hair again today. The same dark brown as last time. My friend S insisted on having sushi before the dye's time was up, so we drove to the restaurant and back. We got stuck in traffic and the dye sat for a bit longer than it should have. As a result, my hair looks black. Until it fades a bit I will be enduring goth/emo comments from everyone I know.

And I'll put on my knee-high lace-up gothy shitkicking boots and show them who not to fucking call emo. Har-dee-har-har.

12:28 a.m. - 2006-07-25

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