



. Notes




My fear of raised moles.

I forgot to write about yesterday because I was really tired.

Yesterday was pay day. Usually every second Friday I wake up at 8AM, shower, dress, and get to work by 9AM to pick up my check. This time, however, I forgot it was pay day, so I didn't get up until 10AM and was in kind of a rush to go get my check, deposit it, and come back here and cool my heels before I had to go BACK to work at 12:30PM.

Work happened. It was a slow day. I sat next to this dude who, in the late evening, made it his project to get me to crack up on the line with customers by either quoting Office Space or encouraging me to tell the customer to break his/her SIM card in half and see if it worked better.

I had to tune him out. This is my money on the line.

But by god if I cared less I would've laughed. Snorted, even.

After that I came home and found a ball of shampooed pubes on my desk with a note. My roommate had ever so kindly left them there for me. I returned them with a note of my own.

Do not be alarmed, dear reader, I'm used to this sort of thing.

In other news, that sure was a lot of pubes.

After that I played a text based online RPG and went to bed and slept fitfully.

I had a dream in which I was making out with, literally, some random dude I've never met, and he told me we had to stop because he felt a raised mole on the back of my neck.

I don't have any raised moles. I kind of have a fear of them being on me. If I ever develop one, I'll have it lanced.

So, there you go. That's yesterday. More to come this evening provided I don't conk out.

8:24 a.m. - 2006-10-14

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