



. Notes




My mantra: don't hate, just wait.

Remember that 104 ounce can of dramaworms I was talking about a couple days ago?

It got opened and much in the manner I anticipated.

IR returned from distant lands via flying machine and then we spilled our guts. And so it won't confuse you, if I say Evil Dickhead, I'm referring to IR.

Anyway, Evil Dickhead immediately went and told L (B's ex) about our escapades.

She called and a lecture of parental proportions ensued.

I'm really just glad it's over. I don't have to deal with any more guilt or (I hope) hear any more lectures.

Since Evil Dickhead moved in, I have not had such a sunny opinion of him. He has a decided affinity for shit-stirring and will do so at the drop of a hat, with or without thinking about potential consequences* others might face as a result of his big fat fucking mouth.

I have a decided hatred for people like this. It is (as MC would say) S'esque behavior.

And now I will take a deep breath and not hold any grudges. Mellow is a virtue.

* To clarify a bit, by consequences I mean he willingly told L something she didn't have to know, and unless he's a complete fucktard he was well aware it would upset her. She ended her relationship with B. He and I began a new one. The Evil Dickhead grapevine had no place in this, and honestly neither did she. I'm more understanding of her case, however, because I understand what it's like to be female; we don't really know when something is over.

7:40 a.m. - 2007-02-16

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