



. Notes




On average, a third of life is slept away.

I was disappointed. There's nothing wrong with that girl except she's kind of a big dork. I don't know who I'm supposed to menace now.

I hate it when I can't sleep and B is as alert as a dead dog.

He fell asleep while we were watching The Fountain. I feel certain if I watch the film again I'll be able to grasp exactly how I'm supposed to tie the parts together. As of now it's a lovely mystery with some rather moving emotional acting by Mr. Jackman.

Huge Actorman, B calls him.

I think I'm worrying too much about what I'm going to do in the immediate future. My boss and I at the coffee shop discussed the possibility of me becoming an assistant manager in the fall. That's still a few months' rent away. I'm still working out how to survive financially until then.

I just wish I wasn't so tired and confused all the time. I want to go in ten different directions all at once and it's exhausting.

So. I. Do. Nothing.

This is where depression comes from.

And this is why I'm pissed that B can sleep and I can't. I'd rather be telling him this than writing it.

I'd wake him up, but I recently learned what a bad idea it is to keep B from his sleep. Besides, he looks like a such a sweet, mouth-breathing angel.

How a mind like his can sleep so well will never cease to amaze me. I'll have to ask the secret to turning it off.

12:05 a.m. - 2007-05-17

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