



. Notes





Remember how a while back I wrote an entry about how my boss at the coffee shop is gaslighting me?

She's done it again. When I was trained, I was told we have only one price for loose leaf tea because we don't charge for the cup of water, just the tea bag. When New Girl was hired, this tea rule magically changed to "we only have 1 size for tea, 20 ounces." Today my boss tried to convince me that it's always been like that. THEN she tried to say I was getting our pricing confused with the pricing at Panera Bread, a place I worked for a month before I came here, two years ago.

I ended the conversation right there.

I'm sure she just genuinely can't remember what she trained me to do two years ago, but that she's adamant about the fact that she told me something entirely contrary to what I know pisses me off nevertheless.

Today she told me that Spencer's has one of the highest theft rates of any store in the mall. Not surprising considering their merchandise and store layout. It's got to be hard to catch shoplifters in there.

I need to get my hands on a food processor.

1:27 p.m. - 2007-10-16

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